The contents of the Blog and Vlog called "Cult" are based on the Google local Scout user story on Google Maps. With videos showing contemporary dance and architecture, they promote the city of Berlin. Texts from the blogs and videos correlate with the trends on Google and YouTube.

With my broom I fly to different places in Berlin to create spell and rituals.

218 Demo Berlin-Destroy Pipeline

Saturday, the seventh of December, was a very gray day. I wanted to go outside but did not know in which direction I should Go. I was standing at the big crossing of the Danziger Straße and Kniprodestr, staring at the cold emptiness, and thought about this soviet architecture which threatens me. Then I was taking the Bus 200, but because of a demonstration it had to change route. I got out of the bus at the crossing of Mollstr and Otto-Braunstr and had the next flashback. After spending another few minutes really letting myself into this cold, empty feeling of December, I decided to check out the Demo. I wanted to know which kind of demo it was and hesitated when I heard it was a Demo for the abortion Paragraph 218. 

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Blood Queen Köngeter in Berlin!

On the 27 of November, one day before Black Friday, the Queen of blood in the form of my mother visited me in the Capitol of Germany called Berlin. I was very nervous because we have not seen each other for 10 years and I did not know what to expect. It turns out that I go in a trance mood I already experienced when I visited my brother in Texas.

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Die Ratten kommen-Müllomania at Heinrich Böll Bibliothek

Yesterday at the Heinrich Böll Library at the Greifswalder str we got to see a theater piece about German garbage education. The ensemble from the Müll side story performed their piece "Die Ratten kommen" (The rats are coming). It was a very interesting piece with amusing dialogs, cabaret, music and costumes but also a little bit disturbing. I am not the biggest garbage separate fan, since I feel it is torture to put a playlist into garbage. The Müll side story got the GAGSAG enviroment price, though.

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Kreuzberg - Boo Hag Baker

On the 18.5.2024 I found out through Google that my Grandfather Hubert Ettel died. He had died a month before, and my family did not tell me. They also did not invite me to the funeral.

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Volkspark Friedrichshain operation false flag!

The Last months have been a disaster. While I was working on my Volksgarten Video, I have been thrown in jail for two weeks. I also broke my arm and decided to choose the Volkspark Friedrichshain as my next Google local place DNA because I basically live in it. 

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Ghosts int the Lustgarten (Museumsinsel) with Doris HumphreyDoris Humphrey, Karl Popper und Ingrid Michelson

Hüsel and Marcels story (German) Heinrich Böll Bib

Meiner Meinung nach ist der Platz vor der Heinrich-Böll-Bibliothek auf der Greifswalder Straße einer der langweiligsten und ausgestorbenen Plätze in Berlin. Da sich jedoch neben der Bibliothek eine Einrichtung der Vista Berlin für Suchtkranke befindet, lernt man den einen oder anderen Suchtkranken dort kennen. Zwei davon sind der obdachlose Rentner Marcel und die türkisch-kurdische Kreuzbergerin Hülya. Hülya sprach mich vor der Bibliothek an und wir haben gemeinsam etwas Gras besorgt. Aufgrund ihrer offenen, hilfsbereiten Art und ihr Wissen über das soziale System hat sie mir diesbezüglich schon viele Tipps gegeben. Ihre Betreuung scheint auch stabil zu laufen und trotz ihres Konsums und Depressionen wirkt sie sehr reflektiert, was ihre Psyche und Vergangenheit betrifft. Misshandlung und zu wenig Liebe in der Kindheit sind ein immer wieder auftretendes Thema, mit dem sie Trost und Gemeinsamkeiten in der kleinen Community findet. Da die Kreuzberger Umgebung und der Görlitzer Park eine zu große Versuchung sind, befindet sie sich im langweiligen Bötzow Kiez im Exil und die Ruhe tut ihr gut. Ganz im Gegenteil zu den einheimischen Obstbewohnern, die unter der Veränderung und dem Aussterben der Ostkultur leiden. Auch ich stelle fest, dass das Leben im Osten auf der Straße stattgefunden hat. Früher saßen die Sexarbeiter im Bordell Prime Massage vor dem Laden und haben sich gesonnt. Mittlerweile wirkt es mehr wie Zwangs isolierter Menschenhandel, der keine Möglichkeit hat, sich etwas ins Haus zu integrieren. Von dem Druck der älteren Bevölkerung, als Zeitzeugen instrumentalisiert zu werden, wehren sie sich gegen mediale Dokumentation. Umso überraschender, als Hülya, nachdem ich sie nach ihrer Geschichte und Aufzeichnung fragte, völlig entspannt zustimmte.

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Kulturmarkthalle mit Sozialarbeiter Tim Shafeld

Today, at the Heinrich Böll Library, I met Adam and Astrid.  Astrid is also a writer and told us about Tim, who gives out café for free around the corner. So I went and have a very interesting talk with Astrid who informed me about the KulturHalle. They have food and cooking sessions and a lovely program of cultural events like Hamid Saneiy, bike tours, stages, Kiezwalks and much more. I also got to talk to Tim Schafeld who is a social worker and can help you with applications and also immigration.  His number is 004917614485365, and you find him at KulturMarktHalle e.V.  Hanns-Eiseler-Str.93, 10409 Berlin. 

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Alfred Popper-A&E in echo chambers

In August 2023 I decided to confront myself with my Jewish step granddad Alfred Popper who was a Jewish Holocaust survivor. He is the reason why I have the American Passport because he was able to escape to the USA. After the second world war, my grandmother Brigitta Köngeter was divorcing my Grandfather Walter Köngeter. She fell in love with dentist Alfred Popper, who was located as an American soldier for denazification close to her. He told her that the future of Germany would be dark, and convinced my grandmother to immigrate with her children to the USA. So my father has been raised by a Jewish doctor, which is quite interesting. Also because Alfred Popper could be related to the Philosopher Karl Popper. It gave me the motivation to travel to the German locations Alfred Popper used to live before he left to the USA. Since I feel abandon by my Family, I still question my motives about this Trip. I also feel as a survivor of Google, which IS owned by two Jewish founders. Creating content in their interest feels like a constant torture and grooming human traffic situation. There is a straight conflict transition of my family To Google wish also seems like a homophobic abandonment environment to me. Because of my financial situation, traveling always ends up in debts and bankruptcy. I tried traveling to Düsseldorf one year before, which ended up in a total disappointment.

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Tattoo Edelschmerz Schwanz Hexe!

One of the most bipolar streets in east Berlin is the area of the Danziger Strasse next to the Volkspark Friedrichshain. When its hot they are all kinds of communities arriving from the city. When it is cold like most of the time in Germany the area is dead. I Constantly try To find a Kiez or community here. There is a little community in front of the Edelschmerz tattoo studio who seem like real Berlin contemporary witness locals.

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Meeting Family Kafka at the "Kafka Linde" Berlin!

Here is the strangest Berlin Google Local Guide story ever! Have you ever tried this surveillance capitalism activity on Google called being a Google Local Guide? The Userstory is making pictures of a place and post it on Google Maps. You can also judge places with ratings.

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Second Police hearing in Berlin-Case Lars Ossenbrink

Yesterday I had my second hearing at the Police Station Storkower Strasse about internet slander. The accuse comes from the name Lars, and this is not a name I have in my King DNA. I found Out that it is my old vaulting friend Henrik, Lars Ossenbrink.  It is my second hearing since I had one around 2016 where the accuser was Bianca Döhring. I still try to process the hearing because it seems like things are worse than 2016 and nothing has changed in the mindset of the Germans when it comes to digitalization. Without sounding cynical, I can't even focus on the case because the handling is absurd. There is a two people sitting in front of each other telling each other that they don't understand the internet. The only thing I can offer these Beamten (officials)  is to not leave them alone with their fear about this internet dialect. When I explained to her the case I started laughing so hard about this internet dialect that I want to make very clear, that I don't know either. The hard thing to process is that they don't watch the slander accusation  on the internet. When you ask them to just open the website, they say they can't because the internet is locked. So now I have to send her screenshots of it, which I am not going to do. I tried to show it on my phone, but my phone internet is throttled. Two people just throttled in front of each other trying to not leave each other alone. The police woman was so funny every time I took my phone, she asked me very irritated if I would start recording. I was not recording because it was immediately about documentation, we just both did not know how to do it. The reason why I also could not focus was because she told me that Henrik Ossenbrink became in trouble at his Falke work because of it. That made me suspicious how homophobic this German product Falke mindset is. They have not much humor and didn't understand my LGBTQIA+ Pipeline fond. I also have a flashback of Bianca Döhring because I could think that the move of Henrik is a smart promotion beef of smart product manager like Henrik Ossenbrink. That is what I thought in the case of Bianca Döhring until I realized it is not. Absolutely same thing with this German Henrik Ossenbrink who now wants money from me? When started to read the text in front of the Police woman, I had to laugh so hard because I forgot what the story was and also the picture. I started to become very impressed by my work, like an out-of-body experience. Since I created the website as a kind of assistant for myself, I really saw my inner child and had to laugh. I have to apologize for absolutely not knowing what I am doing here. I really don't want to go back to prison. 

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Knowing the Knower.