Emma Odyssey
My story about the Name Emma is dedicated to the head coach of the national American vaulting squad, Emma Garrod-Drinker. She coordinated my exchange year in Cupertino in 1997, and we trained on her farm, Garrods.
Emma arranged for me to host a family with whom I did not get along. After meeting Jennifer from the Garrods Team, we decided to shift families and relocate to her family home. This transaction needed to be concealed so that the replaced family did not become unhappy. My new host mother, Kathy, advised me to behave badly so that they would kick me out and I could live with them instead. I started smoking with my friend Loretta, and then they kicked me out, but I couldn't go immediately to Jennifer.
Previously, I had to reside in Emma's house with her husband Frank near the farm in Los Gatos. Later, Frank shot himself with a gun because he suffered with alcoholism. Following Emma, I lived with her sister, who lives on the opposite side of the street. From her son's computer, I sent my first email to my love Eva in Germany. He eventually worked as a software engineer at Facebook.
After this Odyssey, I was finally able to join Jennifer's family. Everything had to happen so that the founding family would not feel betrayed. I spent a few years in San Jose because I needed to flee Germany. I phoned Emma for assistance, but she didn't understand. She advised me to go the Jacob's path instead. I believe it is something she genuinely wants to do.
What is your story about an Exchange student year, and the name Emma?
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