Alice Tongue
My story about the name Alice is dedicated to a classmate at Rudolf Steiner Waldorf school, Düsseldorf. Alice played tennis at Rochusclub, and my neighbor Stefan Reich was her teacher. She was a middle child who inspired me with her harsh remarks and mouth. Alice had hens in her home when we were in preschool. She and I agreed that she could bring some into our home. I didn't inform my parents, so they were surprised when her family arrived with the hens. We spent the entire day capturing hens, but starting today, we had eggs. In 2012, she asked me on a walk through the Grafenberger woodland near the Rochus Club. There she told me that my mother, Angelika Köngeter, and older brother, Kilian, had sold our family home in Hubbelrath. It was an interesting surprise to hear it from Alice, whom I had last seen in school. My family had agreed not to tell me because of the accusations and drama I would make. The mansion and Hubbelrath are gorgeous, and I would have delighted to live there. This betrayal of my family marked the beginning of our alienation. Alice now teaches at a Montessori school. What is your story about concealment, exclusion and the name Alice?
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