Eva Symbiosis

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My story about the name Eva is dedicated to Eva Böhner.When I was seventeen, Eva was my girlfriend. We were both members of the vaulting squad in Cologne, which is now called Vaulting Club Dühnwald. Eva, with her long dark hair, resembles Snow White.

Her favorite movie was "Interview with the Vampire," and she used the music for her own freestyle. In 1999, she allowed me to utilize the song and choreograph my freestyle. When it came to succeeding with my vaulting choreographies, I relied heavily on Eva. When I came out as gay, Eva and I split up. We both experienced some dark days following the divorce as a result of the powerful symbioses we had created. We separated, but rejoined in 2009. I was homeless, and she allowed me to stay with her and her boyfriend Ramon for a bit. Eva had opened her own fitness studio for women, Amica Mea, in Cologne, Dellbrück. She also provided me a job as a promoter.My father died around this time, and his funeral was held two days before my birthday. I spent my birthday with her, Robina, my brother Kristian, James, and my cousin Jan-Donald. When we decided to go to a gay bar, Eva grabbed my cousin Jan Donald and disappeared. A few days later, they started to date and Eva broke up with Ramon. She also fired me because she had plans to replace me with my cousin. Jan Donald is also battling with his Haniel family position and continues to rely on them financial help. I had a strong suspicion that their relationship would not work out and stepped out of the picture. After a few months, Eva became pregnant with my cousin's child. Strangely, her mother, Renate, died of cancer this year. My cousin couldn't handle the pressure, so they split up during the pregnancy. Eva returned to Ramon and gave birth to my cousin's child a year later, on my birthday. Paul was born on December 12th and is now related to his family by blood. What is your story about symbioses, codependency and the name Eva?

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IBAN: DE55 1005 0000 1065 6864 60   BIC: BELADEBEXXX Mark: Eva