Franz Dysfunctional

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My story about the name Franz is dedicated to Franz,Markus Haniel. He is the leader of Haniel, a Rhenish Family clan. When I was eighteen years old, I discovered that I am connected and was invited to family shareholders meetings. It is mainly about prestige because it is one of the few remaining family enterprises in Germany. They also owned around 80% of Metro Group. Saturn and MediaMarkt were also involved in this. Saturn and Media Market have been damaged as a result of failing to invest in music digitization. During shareholder meetings, clan leader Franz generally offers quiet speeches about keeping the money in the family. They push family marriages, similar to an Islamic clan, or inform us that we are not permitted to speak to the press. I once filmed a party at a shareholder meeting. I joked that I'd upload the movie to YouTube. The next day, Franz Haniel gaslighted me in front of the entire family, which numbered approximately 300-400 persons. He was genuinely concerned that information might get public. When I came up with the idea of creating a Haniel Facebook family member group, this was a threat.They established their own family network, from which I am now disconnected. However, they assisted me in enrolling in a German artist insurance program known as Künstlersozialkasse. As a gay person, I felt extremely alienated and chose to sell my shares. When I did, Hanitax's CIO, Dr. Bayer, requested 6000 Euro for assistance. He pulled me aside and told me that if I didn't make money, I'd have to work at McDonald's. Irena Androcec, a Haniel PR employee, assisted me with my insurance claim and wrote it on the family expense. She also told me not to speak out because the family wields power everywhere. Trinkaus and Burkhardt, the family bank, threw me out when I sold my interests. They stated that they did it because I am American. When the government put me on pension, I sought to contact Haniel to see if they supported LGBTQIA+ diversity. They showed me a few links on LinkedIn. When they discovered who I am, they promptly canceled contact. It appears difficult to describe what type of family I am in, and I feel quite naive. What is your story about dysfunctional family clans, classified information and the name Franz?

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IBAN: DE55 1005 0000 1065 6864 60   BIC: BELADEBEXXX Mark: Franz