Anne Kickline

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My story about the name is dedicated to the dancer Anne Jung. Anne was in my class at HfMT Cologne, a dance school. I had the opportunity to dance in a really beautiful duet with Anne, choreographed by Emanuel Soavi and Massimo Geradi. We danced to the song "The Crow" from Schubert's Winter Trip. In the piece, I had to lift Anne well above my head and couldn't. I failed every time, so I took steroids, went to the gym, and got really huge. During our final year of university, Anne and I both auditioned for the Friedrichstadt Palast in Berlin. We both had really long legs and hoped to land a spot on the legendary kick line. We could both kick our legs quite high. Furthermore, we were both turned down for jobs due to our short stature. Maybe I became a little too big, who knows. All of the dancers at the Friedrichstadt Palast must be of a specific height, and the men must constantly lift the woman up. I believe this was my final audition. Nonetheless, Anne achieved great success. She received the top diploma and thereafter performed for NDT and Forsythe. Instead, I had to attend a PTSD rehabilitation center. What is your story about rejection and the name Anne? 

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IBAN: DE55 1005 0000 1065 6864 60   BIC: BELADEBEXXX Mark: Anne