Susanne Stardoodle
My story about the name Susanne is dedicated to Susanne Hanchett, Susanne Wischnewski and Susanne Wahl. Susanne Hanchett is my aunt and the older sister of my father Jorg. When my parents cut me off financially, Susanne stepped in, played the German bank, and assisted me. She also acquired Haniel shares for my brother and me in order to keep us connected. Susanne kept me up to date on new American terminology when I first started working digitally. She confronted me when I launched my Pilates studio using terms like Doodle and Entrepreneur. A Doodle occurs when you engage in two things concurrently and one flows subconsciously. For example, Indians in Berlin riding their transportation bikes. They perform their internet banking over the phone or call their families in India while pedaling. It might also be painting while talking on the phone, or searching for stars while utilizing or learning KI. My father died, and she moved to the United States. Because of a disagreement with my mother, I became involved, and she disinherited me and never gave me money again. Susanne Wischnewski Mbasha was my first vaulting coach, and she developed me from a young age to become a vaulting star. She fantasized about becoming a world champion with her as the lung leader and wished for a profile. Changing from RuFV Hilden to vaulting club Dhünwald and coach Brunhilde caused significant betrayal and anguish in our relationship. After judging a vaulting competition, she became enraged with a performance and demanded that the coach stop the competition for locking on the horse. She gave up vaulting and now has a family. Susanne Wahl was my final vaulting coach. After I stopped, she replaced me with a vaulter named Gero Meyer. During a squad Bootcamp at DOKR in Warendorf, her horse had bleeding wounds from abuse and locking. She didn't notice it and was astonished when a horse groomer told her about it. After that, she abandoned the sport and now works for the FN.
Furthermore, abuse vaulting was always the ideal Doodle for my childhood, and it could never truly be replaced. What is Your story about betrayal and the name Susanne?
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