Günther Grill

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My story is about my uncle Günther who just got in contact with me. Günther the youngest brother of my mother. They are three girls raised in a catholic Dutch Austrian family constellation and then Günther is the baby. The three girls detached from my grandfather when my grandparents divorced. Günther stayed with the father and is supposed to take over the patriarchy. There is this ongoing conflict in me, not understanding why families always transfer the wealth and legacy of the family to the youngest. As a gay middle child, I see this in a lot of families and don’t know what to think of it. If you ask me, I am extremely irritated by the youngest in a family constellation. It has to do with my little brother, who is also about to take over the families wealth and legacy. I feel a greed and hunger coming from the youngest, which makes me feel uncountable. After my father died, and I did not want to be in contact with my mother, she decided to ask her little brother to look out for me. Out of Nothing, Günther was standing in front of my house and told me that my mother needs to know where I live. They knew where I was living because otherwise they would not stand in front of my house, right? When my grandmother moved out of her Austrian villa, it was very clear for him that he gets the house where my grandmother was living. It was this huge house in St Johan Tirol. I got irritated when they all wanted to have the car my grandmother was driving. It was very clear to Günther that he would keep the car for his daughter Leonie even she did not have a driving lesson. Since I was the only one with no car, I made a joke about me getting the car. They totally ignored it, and then they gave the car to my little brother, who did not even have a driving lesson either. He lost his driving lesson because of drunk and stoned driving. My family still gives him cars to drive around. My brother gets in a flash control, and then they call me and tell me that I need to take his points in Flensburg because he would get in trouble. This is the reason why I don’t want to have anything to do with the youngest.  A week ago, I found out through Google that my grandfather died a month ago. I documented the case and send it around in the hope someone would react. My family made Günther write me an email to me. He wrote something like he did not know that I want anything to do with the Ettel family. Because of this gaslighting he does, contact with my family is really going against my mental health. Mae by I just want to be informed because of financial reasons or heritage participation. It is interesting how personal they took the decision. Then he tried to explain to me in his email that my mother and my aunts were not in contact with my grandpa and when I want something, I need to confront him. Like I were never part of this family and did not know about this. It is what I mean with gaslighting. Like I had no conflict with people in my family, dying. They all take over their legacies, and I am not allowed to speak up for anyone or myself.  Last year, I send my grandfather a postcard and made a video about it to ask for investment. The pension and digital instances was putting me under pressure to reconnect with my family.  I updated the family in sending them the video, and they did not react.  It is the typical victim perpetrator repentance they keep doing with a person who is gay and struggling with identity issues and abandonment. Of course, I feel like challenging him in asking him about the video I made for my grandfathers' birthday. My mother gave me all this video files about them being young. I cut a video together for my grandfather, and I have not processed the pictures I saw. The way they grew up seemed so harsh to me. It reminded me of my mother yelling at me when I was scared to drive ski. There were just really abusive situation going on with the Austrian nature hiking, nature and ski dissociation my family has a dogma with. It is also funny how he once told me that his only son gets mobbed in school. He told me people in the city know who his grandpa is and that is why he gets mobbed. I was mobbed to in school, but none knew who my grandpa was or other family members. 

 I know nothing about my grandfathers' status. He was a cheater, a human trafficker and had a patent on a wood cutting machine. That's all I know. I wonder what they are doing with the second wife of my grandfather, Georgia. They all tried to label her as an inheritance sneaker in the beginning. I think the reasons why I feel scared of my European family is because they drink so much.  They start to get very harsh, emotional and swear to each other. 


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