Ralf Freak off

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My story with the name Ralf is dedicated to Ralf Kopetzki and Ralf Stabel. I met both during my dance education at Palucca School in 2001. Ralf Kopetzki was my first big crush, ex partner, and I was fangirling him for a year. Ralf is an event manager and was organizing queer events in Dresden like the Unity, German club, Dresden tanzt, Queens and much more. Because of his surroundings, I felt like his gangster muse. He also spent some time in Berlin, specifically at Kastanienalle. I was shattered at his place after my aunt Sabine's New York accident. There was a Haniel conference where I went. He told me after the meeting that I needed to go, but we still celebrated his birthday at the GMF party. I forgot my prescription at the Haniel meeting and arrived exhausted at the celebration. All the beverages were free, and I became so intoxicated that I did handstands, pirouettes, and splits completely naked on tables. His best friend Divinity was the DJ, and he was continually loading me up with drinks. I felt certain I could smash at his place. When I questioned him, he answered no because he already has children. Ralf Koppetzki also owned a brothel and a homosexual sauna called Man's Paradise. Ralf Stabel was my dance history instructor at Palucca School. He then became the director of the State Ballet School in Berlin. They dismissed him due to a poisonous work environment. At Palucca, he was constantly hitting on me and my gay companion. When I dated him in Dresden Neustadt, he changed personas. In class, he was highly articulate, but on the date, he adopted a Berlin dialect and became harsh. What is your story about suspicious sub cultures and the name Ralf? 

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IBAN: DE55 1005 0000 1065 6864 60   BIC: BELADEBEXXX Mark: Ralf